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19 Results

  • Amazing Athletes (4-6 years)

    Develop your child’s motor skills, hand-eye coordination, cardiovascular fitness and more through Amazing Athletes. Each 45-minute class encompasses two different developmental sport lessons, muscle identification and fruit or vegetable introduction, using fun activities so they can build their skills, at their own pace, in a non-competitive atmosphere. Instructor: Amazing Athletes
  • Amazing Athletes-Tots (18months-3 years)

    Amazing Tots is a guided, discovery-based sports program that helps kids engage in structured physical activities tailored specifically to toddlers. Classes are designed to meet the attention span and physical needs of each individual child while learning 5 different sports. ** Parent participation is required. Instructor: Amazing Athletes
  • Babies Drop-In & Play

    If you have a baby, this class is for you! Join other families doing activities, singing songs, and saying rhymes. A licensed Parent Educator will facilitate discussion topics about your role as a caregiver of a baby. Bring your questions! This is a drop in class-no registration necessary. This class is for families and their baby, please do not bring siblings.
  • Curiosity Club (4-8 Years Old)

    Using nature and STEM themed explorations this weekly after school club meets to explore topics, using elements of a Project-Based approach to guide learning. This class goes outdoors, so bring layers and wear sturdy shoes/boots. Instructor: Amanda Moscou Session #1 Feels Like Fall ~ Thursdays, Sept. 26, Oct. 3 Tues. Oct. 8th Leaves are falling and nature is our playground! Join us for some fun in the woods as we use our five senses to explore the changing of the seasons. DRESS FOR THE WEATHER! Session #2 Nature Detectives ~ Thursdays, Nov. 7, 14, 21 Have you got what it takes to be a Nature Detective? Hone your skills through discovery walks and scavenger hunts. Learn about animal tracks and signs. What will you notice and what will you find? DRESS FOR THE WEATHER!
  • Dad (or Special Guy) and Me Playdates (18 months-4 years)

    Dads or special guys and their little buddies are invited to spend some time connecting with each other. Spend time playing, creating art projects, and exploring the classroom. A teacher will be there to lead in a large group activity and to facilitate quality engagement. Class is led by a licensed parent educator.
  • Early Childhood Screening- October

    What is Early Childhood Screening? Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is developing and growing and consists of the following components: Cognitive development Large and small muscle development Language and communication skills Social and emotional development Vision and hearing Height and weight Healthy history Immunization review Screening in early childhood supports children’s readiness for kindergarten and promotes health and development. Screening may link families to early learning opportunities and resources such as Early Childhood Family Education, Early Childhood Special Education, School Readiness or home visiting programs. Screening is not a substitute for health care from your family physician or other providers. Who is required to be screened? Minnesota state law requires participation in screening before a child starts kindergarten, or must take place within 30 days of when a child starts kindergarten. Children who attend Head Start or Early Childhood Special Education may not need to participate; please call the screening office for more information. Screening is not required for your child's entry into kindergarten if you are a conscientious objector to screening. You will need to provide a written statement to your child's school district that documents your conscientious objector status. When should I have my child screened? Early Childhood Screening is available to children when they turn three years old. Although your child may be screened at any time before kindergarten, it is best to do so between three and four years of age so that any health or developmental concerns can be addressed sooner. Do I need to make an appointment? Yes, screenings are done by appointment only. To make an appointment click the link above which says register. We open the next month's appointments on the 15th of every month. If this month is full please check back on the 15th. If appointment times don't work for your schedule please email the early childhood office at Appointments take place at the Early Childhood Office located in Wildwood Elementary (8698 75th St. No) or at the District Education Center (1520 Mahtomedi Ave). What happens during an Early Childhood Screening appointment? You can expect your child to participate in a few different screening activities. The screening staff will check to make sure your child's physical development is on track. The screener will also check your child's vision and hearing and review immunization and general health history. Your child will have the chance to participate in activities that show how he or she is developing. These activities are designed to be fun and familiar for children including things like building with blocks, standing on one foot and drawing shapes. Some of the screening activities, such as repeating a sentence, help you understand how your child is doing in building skills needed to learn to read. Children usually enjoy showing what they know and if they are shy or distracted, screening staff will work hard to make the child feel comfortable. You can always reschedule for another day if your child is not feeling well. At the end of the screening, the staff will take the time to connect with you and share information about how your child is developing. If there are any areas where your child could use more support, the screening staff will help connect your family with resources in the community. What if my child does not speak English? Please request an interpreter at the time of registration. Please Note: We open new appointments on the 15th of the month September - May.If there are no appointments available for the current month, check back on the 15th. If you have any immediate concerns, please reach out to the Early Childhood Office at 651-407-2441.
  • Early Childhood Screening- September

    What is Early Childhood Screening? Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is developing and growing and consists of the following components: Cognitive development Large and small muscle development Language and communication skills Social and emotional development Vision and hearing Height and weight Healthy history Immunization review Screening in early childhood supports children’s readiness for kindergarten and promotes health and development. Screening may link families to early learning opportunities and resources such as Early Childhood Family Education, Early Childhood Special Education, School Readiness or home visiting programs. Screening is not a substitute for health care from your family physician or other providers. Who is required to be screened? Minnesota state law requires participation in screening before a child starts kindergarten, or must take place within 30 days of when a child starts kindergarten. Children who attend Head Start or Early Childhood Special Education may not need to participate; please call the screening office for more information. Screening is not required for your child's entry into kindergarten if you are a conscientious objector to screening. You will need to provide a written statement to your child's school district that documents your conscientious objector status. When should I have my child screened? Early Childhood Screening is available to children when they turn three years old. Although your child may be screened at any time before kindergarten, it is best to do so between three and four years of age so that any health or developmental concerns can be addressed sooner. Do I need to make an appointment? Yes, screenings are done by appointment only. To make an appointment click the link above which says register. We open the next month's appointments on the 15th of every month. If this month is full please check back on the 15th. If appointment times don't work for your schedule please email the early childhood office at Appointments take place at the Early Childhood Office located in Wildwood Elementary (8698 75th St. No) or at the District Education Center (1520 Mahtomedi Ave). What happens during an Early Childhood Screening appointment? You can expect your child to participate in a few different screening activities. The screening staff will check to make sure your child's physical development is on track. The screener will also check your child's vision and hearing and review immunization and general health history. Your child will have the chance to participate in activities that show how he or she is developing. These activities are designed to be fun and familiar for children including things like building with blocks, standing on one foot and drawing shapes. Some of the screening activities, such as repeating a sentence, help you understand how your child is doing in building skills needed to learn to read. Children usually enjoy showing what they know and if they are shy or distracted, screening staff will work hard to make the child feel comfortable. You can always reschedule for another day if your child is not feeling well. At the end of the screening, the staff will take the time to connect with you and share information about how your child is developing. If there are any areas where your child could use more support, the screening staff will help connect your family with resources in the community. What if my child does not speak English? Please request an interpreter at the time of registration. Please Note: We open new appointments on the 15th of the month September - May.If there are no appointments available for the current month, check back on the 15th. If you have any immediate concerns, please reach out to the Early Childhood Office at 651-407-2441.
  • Early Childhood- Donation

    Thank you for your donation to support our Early Childhood Programs. You can donate through eleyo or bring a check to our Early Childhood office at Wildwood Elementary. Your donation will go directly to supporting students in our programs.
  • Fall Art and Enrichment (3-5 Years Old)

    In our fall collection of thematic classes, your child will take a deep dive into a topic through hands on interactive exploration. Come ready to get messy, make art creations, and play in the sensory table as they learn through art and stem based activities. Instructor: Lindsay Abraham Session #1 Apples, Apples, Apples ~September 17th 5:30-6:30pm Join us for an apple-themed adventure that will spark curiosity and joy in your child! This class promises a blend of sensory exploration, creative expression, and educational discovery centered around the wonderful world of apples. Session #2 The Very Busy Spider ~ October 1st 5:30-6:30pm Come spin and explore with us as we journey into the captivating world of "The Very Busy Spider"! This class will weave together learning and fun in a way that will leave your little ones buzzing with excitement about spiders and the wonders of nature. Session #3 Mouse Paint ~ November 7th 5:30-6:30pm Explore the world of colors alongside the book “Mouse Paint”. This class promises to blend storytelling with hands-on activities, such as sensory play in mixing colors and creating artwork. Your little ones will delight in discovering how primary colors blend to create new shades while engaging in creative expression through colorful art projects. Get ready to get messy in a fun-filled adventure into the world of colors!
  • Family Literacy Nights

    Join us as we partner with the Washington County Library to bring you a monthly story time. In this free class you will hear a story lead by a librarian, participate in a craft, and get some literacy tips to bring home. Story time is geared for students ages 0-5 but all are welcome. Lead by a Washington County Librarian Session #1 Dinosaurs ~ October 24th 5:00-6:00 pm This will be a RAWR-ing good time as we sing, stomp and learn about dinosaurs. Session #2 Space ~ November 21st 5:00-6:00 pm Blast off as you explore infinity and beyond! This event will be outta this world. Session #3 December ~ 19th 5:00-6:00 pm Come and cozy up ready to hear a winter themed story, sing songs, and do a craft.
  • Family Nature Walks (families with children 2-7 years old)

    Explore the sights and sounds of nature during the different seasons. Meet with a educator near the main building of Katherine Abbott for a family nature walk throughout the trails. The event is a family event. Please dress for the weather. We will try to go out in all weather conditions but this will be weather dependent if extreme conditions are present. Strollers are not recommended for this event. Registration is required.
  • JOYful Noise Music Class (6 months-6 years)

    Discover music’s benefits beyond learning notes and having rhythm. Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for learning readiness. Exposing children to music in a playful manner encourages singing, speech, music, and motion. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Instructor: Erica Joy Whitson.
  • Just You and Me: Boo Bash Art Class (18 months -6 years)

    Park your broom at the door, come on in and create something spook-tacular! You and your young artist will get messy with paint and clay as you make a black cat, ghost or jack-o-lantern. The children are welcome to wear their costumes to class. Children must be accompanied by a caregiver. Instructor: Kidcreate Studio
  • Just You and Me: Ornament Party- Art Class (18 months -6 years)

    We’re back with brand new ornaments! Join us for an ornament making party. We will set up 4 stations, each with a different ornament project. You and your child will create adorable wooden Christmas trees, silly gnomes, and so much more! These ornaments will make great keepsakes or holiday gifts! Children must be accompanied by a caregiver. Instructor: Kidcreate Studio
  • Lil Ninja Class

    Does your child like to jump, hang, and roll? Check out our Lil’ Ninja class which focuses on basic skills such as balancing, hanging, jumping, and rolling. This class will help children gain strength and power through fun activities. Instructor: Dustin Schulte Lil Ninjas will be at Wildwood Elementary starting October 2 - November 13th (no class Oct. 16th) 2 Year Olds Class is from 5:00-5:30 - Parent and Child participate together. 3-5 Year Old Class is from 5:45-6:30 - Parent stays for class.
  • Lil Zephs

    Caregivers and children play and learn together in an active setting. Adults separate from children to discuss temperament, handling anger, sibling and peer relationships, toilet learning, fears, imagination and more.
  • Mahtomedi Mini's

    Family-child activities are planned for the toddler's developmental task of exploring the world. Caregiver discussion topics might include toddler frustrations, striving for independence, reading to your child and sleep issues.
  • Toddlers Playdate

    Families are invited to drop in for open gym, games, and time to connect. A licensed parent educator will provide a small child group time and will be available to talk with caregivers. This is a drop in class-no registration necessary.
  • Young Explorers

    Children come to class without their caregiver and spend time with a licensed early education teacher. They practice skills such as sharing, problem solving, and learning through play. Classroom activities focus on school readiness skills. Families must be enrolled in a ECFE Parent/Child Class. Session 2 Registration opens on 12/1/2024 for families currently enrolled in Young Explorers and on 12/8/24 for any family enrolled in a ECFE parent/child class. Must be 30 months by 1/1/25.