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6 Results


    Enjoy a free, fun-paced afternoon of Bingo. If you have miscellaneous items at home that you would like to donate as a prize, please bring along to add to our prize table. Prize donations are always accepted and much appreciated! REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED!
  • Becoming EcoWell: Crafting Your Blueprint for Healthy and Harmonious Living

    Discover the powerful connection between your well-being and the health of our planet. In this engaging workshop, you'll explore how individual choices impact both personal well-being and the environment, creating a ripple effect of positive change. What we'll explore: Simple changes that boost resilience in your internal (mind and body) and external (home, community, world) environments. Creative, sustainable solutions for a thriving future that fit your unique lifestyle. Personalized pathways to well-being that harmonize with sustainable living. Whether you're curious about healing yourself, your family, or the world, this class will inspire you to take the next step in your journey towards holistic wellbeing. Join us to learn how nurturing yourself goes hand in hand with healing the planet. Ideal for anyone seeking to create positive change in their life and the world around them.
  • Evening Star Quilters Meetings - FREE

    Activities include group projects, show and tell of members' work, special programs with speakers, and a biannual quilt show. For more information, contact No registration required.
  • Makeup Bootcamp for Women 40 and Better

    When was the last time you updated your makeup and beauty regimen? Has your skin changed over time? What about your hair color? Join this “boot camp” to update your look with tips and techniques for ageless beauty. Learn about a variety of products, some may be completely new to you, application, and the latest trends in makeup and skin care. No products or services will be sold! This class is essential for busy, beautiful women who could use a little updating! Julie Sherman is a makeup artist who has been in the industry for 30 years.
  • Women's Self Defense Seminar - NEW

    This women's (Ages 13+) self-defense seminar will help you acquire the strategies and skills sets necessary to protect yourself from attack situations which are common and unique to females. Learn preemptive tactics, escape maneuvers, verbal interventions, physical techniques, and the effective use of self-defense devices, in order to quickly, and successfully, end a potentially dangerous encounter or assault. A strong emphasis will also be placed on empowering the mind, which is of paramount importance in prevailing in an attack. Come see for yourself how this seminar will give you the supreme confidence and extraordinary power to face any threatening situation. Ages 13-15 must be accompanied by a registered adult, Ages 16-17 with an adult (female or male) who stays to observe.
  • Write Your Own Will

    Having a will is important for married couples, singles and divorced people. If you are without a will, the laws of Minnesota and a judge will make all the decisions regarding your estate. Don't let this happen! Learn about estates and wills, and prepare a legal will in class. Receive instructions and a professionally prepared form, have access to witnesses and a notary public. Prior to class, registered participants should review the information shared with them. The will form is designed for individual use; couples cannot share this form (each person must register individually). Appropriate for anyone who has an estate of less than $2,000,000, including life insurance and does not own a business.