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  • Track & Field - Middle School Team (Grades 6-8)

    Middle school athletic teams participate in, and policies are set by, the Metro East Middle School Conference. Team sports are offered to grades 7-8 Individual sports (i.e., cross country, wrestling, track and field) are offered to grades 6-8 Students are transported to away competitions pending bus availability. Program will not meet on No School days. The March 14 registration deadline closes when the program maximum is met. No refunds issued after deadline. If space permits, registrations will be accepted after March 15 and a $15 late fee will be assessed. Registrations after the deadline will NOT include last name on student t-shirts. Work on skills, drills and techniques to prepare to compete in various running (short distance and long), jumping, and throwing events. The only equipment needed are a pair of running shoes and team spirit plus workout clothes appropriate for all types of weather. In case of inclement weather, practices or meets may be canceled. Students will be notified of cancellations via school announcements, families will be notified by email. Meets begin at 3:45 p.m., with specific schedules provided at the start of the season.